- Sustainable Living
- This is what the City of Stockholm does
This is what the City of Stockholm does
We all need to work together to become more sustainable, and your contribution is important. The City of Stockholm is also doing quite a lot. Here we give you some examples.
The City wants to develop sustainably together with you who live in Stockholm, who work or run a business in Stockholm, and you who visit Stockholm. Since a couple of years, the city has taken on the 17 sustainability development goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda.
The City works actively to implement human rights and are far ahead in working with sustainable development. Thereby the city is in a good position to reach the goals of the 2030 Agenda. But there are challenges. A growing population increases the needs for housing, services and transports. Safety, biodiversity, and equal access to city facilities are also important areas to be managed in a fast growing city.