Photo: Yanan Li


Almost everything that you no longer need can be of use in other ways. Recycle your empty packages, and give away your old clothes and things, to give them new life.

Much of what you no longer need can be used in new ways. Before you throw something away, think about how it can best be used and whether you can share it with others who need it more.

  • Can something you no longer want be used by someone else?
  • Can it be repaired or changed hands instead of being thrown away?
  • Can the material be recycled? This saves both energy and materials.
    Finally, put things in the garbage bag for residual waste.

Leave the waste for recycling

At the recycling centers and our recycling centers, you can drop off bulky waste, electronics, furniture and environmentally hazardous waste. Items that can be used again are dropped off in the recycling section at each recycling center.

Drop off waste and recycling here

Here you will find all addresses, opening hours and places where you as a private individual can drop off bulky waste, environmentally hazardous waste, electrical waste and recycling.

Recykle your things and food
