
Your everyday commutes affect the environment. Choose a climate smart way to move around in Stockholm – walk, bike or take the tube.

Travels and transportation represents almost half of the greenhouse gas emissions in Stockholm. Half of these come from passenger cars. The biggest challenge we are facing to reach the climate goal of a fossil free Stockholm 2040 are the emissions from transportation.

Therefore we need

  • to lessen car traffic
  • to transition from fossil fuels to renewable fuels
  • to change to vehicles with smaller energy demand
  • efficient transportation to make the city available .

You can contribute to decreased greenhouse gases.

  • Choose to walk or ride a bike if it is possible. People walk 3 kilometers in about 30 minutes and bike 3 kilometers in about 10 minutes.
  • Walk or bike to the nearest public transportation if you are travelling further. Many Stockholmers have public transport within close proximity.

Travel by public transportation

Stockholm public transportation is one of the world´s most environmentally friendly. Today the commuter trains, metro, and local trains run 100 percent on electricity from renewable sources. All busses run on renewable fuels. 

900 000 commuters in the Stockholm region make 2,9 million trips per day by bus, subway, commuter train, local train, or ferry. The whole traffic net uses the same ticket system which makes it easy to buy a ticket and travel to the destination.

Soon you can take the subway to more locations

At this time a historically large investment is being made in the Stockholm public transportation system, with the expansion of the metro network to Barkaby, Nacka, Arenastaden and more.

Bike or walk

Many people ride bicycles in Stockholm and the City of Stockholm wants to encourage this even more.

The City of Stockholm is working towards being a walk- and bicycle friendly city where it´s both easy and safe to walk and bike. Walkways and bicycle paths can be improved, and the maintenance is being continually monitored.


If you are going a shorter distance there are several walkways in Stockholm to choose from.

The walkways run along the public transportation lines so that you can easily take the subway or tram when you want to.

The ambition is to find nice and safe walkways in calm environments without traffic noise, and if possible, in parks and green areas. The walkways often run along the waters and by interesting houses and places.

Walking school bus for children

Many children enjoy walking to school in a so called “walking school bus”. This means that families take turns to accompany their own kids and kids from other families to and from school. If, for example, five families in a residential area participate, every family can take responsibility for one day a week.

Other ways to move about

Many cars in Stockholm are not being used a large part of the time. Different solutions for car transportation can replace owning a car.

  • Think about if you really need to own a car. Car-pools, car sharing and rental cars are often cheaper alternatives in the long run, while it also saves our common resources.
  • Ask for an environmentally friendly car when you book a taxi. Many taxi companies offer this.

Travel climate smart with the car

Far travel
