- Sustainable Living
- In your home
- Housecleaning and Laundry
Housecleaning and Laundry
By being aware of how you clean your home and do your laundry, you can lessen the energy impact and avoid harmful chemicals.
There is a lot you can do to save energy when cleaning your home. Here are some concrete tips.
Doing laundry
- Choose the right amount of laundry detergent. In Stockholm, the water is soft, and the lowest recommended dose is enough.
- Use unscented detergent. Perfumes can be allergy-inducing.
- Skip fabric softeners which leave residual chemical elements in your clothes and add unnecessary chemicals to our water purification plants.
- Vinegar is a natural complement - it removes bad smells, makes textiles softer and also cleans the machine at the same time.
- Always fill up the washing machine with laundry and wash on a low temperature.
- Air your clothes out instead of washing if they are not soiled.
- Air dry instead of tumble dry – the clothes last longer, and you will save energy.
- Regularly wash and air out textiles such as curtains, blankets, and stuffed animals. Textiles easily collect dirt and dust that carry harmful chemicals.
- Tumble dryers use half the amount of energy compared to drying cabinets.
- Wash new clothes and other textiles before using them in order to get rid of chemical residues. Nonylphenolethoxylate, NPE, is an example of a substance that can be found in new textiles.
Chemicals accumulate in dust, especially in the vicinity of electronics which emit Brominated flame retardants and Phthalates.
- Don't rinse the dust down the drain; throw it among burnable waste.
- Vacuum clean before wet mopping. That way harmful chemicals end up in the district heating plant instead of the wastewater treatment plant.
- Use unscented and eco-labeled soaps and detergents. Many perfumes, including natural fragrances, can be allergy-inducing.
- Use a low dose of cleaning products; it will suffice since the water in Stockholm is soft.
- Avoid scented products. They put an unnecessary burden on indoor environments and the sewage system.
Wash yourself properly
- Wash your hands regularly. Chemicals, which can be found in various products and even in dust, often stick to your hands.
- Choose eco-labeled soap and other hygiene products.