- Sustainable Living
- Consumption
- Transport of goods
Transport of goods
Not only is it important to make conscious choices when you travel, but also when you buy things that have been transported.
In Stockholm, there are many environmentally friendly and sustainable ways to get food and other goods home without having to transport them in your own car.
Sustainable transport when shopping online
Your choices can make a difference when shopping online. You as a consumer have an important role in determining the climate impact of e-commerce transport, for example when choosing delivery options. Here are some simple tips that you can keep in mind in your everyday life.
- Reduce the number of deliveries: Check if a friend or family member has also planned to order from the same company. Then you can easily order together at the same time and receive one transport, instead of several separate ones.
- Look for environmentally-labelled delivery options, such as the Nordic Ecolabel for efficient and more sustainable transport.
- Choose a longer delivery time if you have the opportunity. A longer delivery time and a wider time window for the delivery increase the conditions for the distributor to consolidate and plan the delivery more effectively.
- Avoid unnecessary returns: Returns account for a large part of the climate impact. Therefore, think before you order whether you really need the product.
Buy your food in an eco-smart way
- Groceries are a major part of the products that we buy. In Stockholm there are many ways to get your food delivered without having to transport it with your own car.
- Shop in a store near you.
- Get good quality bicycle bags or a shopping cart to transport heavy bags of food.
- Use a cargo bike or a bicycle trailer. Perhaps there is a cargo bike-pool in your neighbourhood, or a bicycle trailer to borrow?
- Reflect on buying your food with home delivery. In Stockholm there is a large array of food stores where you can shop online and get the food delivered to your door.
- Consider if a “free flowing car share” can be an alternative for you. This way you can go to the store without a car, do the shopping, and then pay only for the car ride home.
Choose ecofriendly home delivery
- Several delivery companies in Stockholm offer sustainable transport – for example food deliveries by bicycle or environmental vehicles for bulky loads.
- Order Returtjänst (return service) for bulky waste at Stockholm Vatten och Avfall. With this service you can get your things picked up by your door.